MiTxt Is For The Student

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The Era of the Textbook is coming to an end, students will no longer dread buying their books every semester. Everyone can think about when they were in college and had to buy those books at outrageous prices. The price was not the only problem with getting your textbooks, NO; hate brought on by carrying those heavy books from class to class each day was something both underclassmen and upperclassmen could all agree on!! At MiTxt, we wanted to take the financial and physical presser off students considering all the other stresses, unique or common, they endure. We envisioned a world where no longer books would be printed on hard copies that became obsolete the next year because of the publisher made a revised editions (adding a few new topics, changing page numbers, removing old information, etc.). The textbook industry has made a fortune preying on the education system through these tactics, but that is all going to change with the revolutionary electronic book readers. If the savings alone does not motivate you enough to get one, well there is one other special advantage to this new technology. Hard copies will be few and far between soon and books will not be printed, saving more trees than one could imagine. Think about all texts (Educational and non-educational) strictly being electronically made and bought; the forest will be a lot safer once will go full electronic. The environment and student well-being are two very important reasons why everyone needs to go out and buy a Mitxt, as soon as the hear about it. Spread the word of MiTxt Electronics. Please leave comments, questions, opinions, etc. below in the comment section. Thank you so much for your time, have a wonderful day MiTxt Readers!!!


The MiTxt Family

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